Growing Pains

My Journey of Self Discovery

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As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to reflect the character of GOD in the earth.


How can you expect me to let go of all the cruel things he did to me?


Like a candy jar, you have filled me with sweet things. Each piece of candy is like a testimony of the joy you bring.


It was the sweetest thing for me to hear, that you were willing to sacrifice what you held so dear.


For 15 years, I worked at a correctional facility for men, in Atlanta, GA.


Be silent devil! How dare you try to intimidate me. You thought that when the LORD called my momma home you would break me.

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A few years ago, my finances were under extreme attack. No matter how frugal I lived, it was as if I had holes in my pockets! So much so that I couldn’t afford to buy food, clothes, or the basic essentials for everyday living. Thank GOD for the Food Pantry at my church, and other community resources that helped me during that season of my life.

As I reflect on that season, I think about the “one thing” that I esteemed to mean so much, that GOD allowed to be taken away from me because I couldn’t afford to buy it: Clothes. I love fashion and costume jewelry, and I know that there’s nothing wrong with that. The issue was attaching my identity to it. GOD allowed me to walk through that season to reveal the vanity in my heart, and to teach me that my identity was not in “what” I have but in “who” I am!

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About The Author

Hidden Diamond

A Note From the Author

"GOD has the power to turn our mess into a message. After reading this book, I pray that you consider the following... There's purpose in your pain. When we are frustrated, confused, and fearful it's difficult to see purpose. All we feel is pain, doubt, and a longing for escape. The very thing that the enemy tries to use against us, GOD has the amazing ability to turn it into purpose. Most often, GOD uses our brokenness to encourage and bless others facing similar situations. As you share your story with others, people around you will be blessed by your journey of healing, deliverance and restoration. It will empower them to continue on their journey to overcome their pain. Do not be ashamed to share your story, because so many people need to know and experience the healing power of Jesus Christ."

Author Biography

Hidden Diamond is a native of Atlanta, GA with a passion to see the Glory of GOD manifested in the lives of GOD’s people. Enough said.

Author Signature

“There is no friend as loyal as a book”


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